
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Winter 2009

This winter has been a crazy, busy time for the Anderson family. Connor is still loving both kindergarten classes and is really getting to be a good reader! He reads everything...from signs, T-shirts, boxes, and books. Gone are the days where Scott and I can spell things and the kids don't understand what we said. Now, Connor yells it out! Owen enjoys school and loves playing with his friends. He enjoys building things and playing with Connor. They are good buddies, but sometimes get carried away with the wrestling! Scott still enjoys his job and has been very involved with the lake house project. He has spent many weekends working on the property and we are looking forward to seeing the process unfold! My class is very fun and exhausting this year, full of so many personalities. I am also going to grad school at WSU in the evening to get my administrator credentials. I have completed 2 semesters and have 4 left! Church has also kept us busy. Scott and I serve as Deacons and moderate this group to better serve our church and community. Connor is preparing for the Christmas Bell Choir concert where he will play "Away in the Manger" and Owen loves learning about and asking questions about "God." Recently when the power went out at our house, Owen asked, "Did God do that?" We hope that each and every one of you have a fantastic holiday season and that 2010 is a year of special memories for everyone!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Fall is my favorite time of year. The boys and I had a great start back to school. Owen is continuing at his Montessori school full-time. Connor is with him in the morning and then he comes to my school for kindergarten in the afternoon. He is loving kindergarten and is doing great. He is reading, writing, and loves to draw. He also finished his soccer season as a "green gator." Owen is talking like crazy and makes us laugh every day. He is dying to play football... They are great buddies and love playing together! We enjoyed spending time at the lake this fall and hiking the trails nearby. Both Scott and I joined the Montessori school for their field trip to the pumpkin patch. The boys had fun picking apples and selecting their pumpkins. They are looking forward to Halloween and have already picked out their costumes. Connor is going to be a spider and Owen will be a monkey. He loves monkeys! We are so blessed!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Birthday Surprise!

33 years ago this Wednesday I was born on my mom's birthday. Every birthday since, except one, we have spent together - just the 2 of us. We shop, have lunch, get pedicures...whatever we feel like doing that day. Then my Dad takes us to dinner. This year, it just wasn't going to happen and my mom and I were both pretty emotional about it. A couple weeks ago, my Dad called and asked if he could surprise my mom by bringing her here for our birthdays after a quick trip for the two of them to Vegas. I was so thrilled and instantly teared up! Tomorrow, they arrive and Wednesday will be our day. My Dad will watch the boys (Good luck, Dad!) and we will enjoy our day together! I am so lucky to have such an amazing mom and to be able to celebrate the gift of life with her!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer Dreams

We have been dreaming of spending lazy summers by the lake ever since moving to Spokane. The idea of our kids growing up around water and having family memories at a special place mean a lot to us. After scouring for places we could afford and would fit our busy family we decided to purchase property on Deer Lake. It is a little less than 30 minutes away and we hope to build in the near future. This was our favorite lake due to it's proximity, size, and close to nature feeling. This summer, we plan to camp on our property and spend weekends swimming in the lake. I can just picture it now...only 13 more days of teaching to go...

Where has the time gone?

I can not believe that my last post was seriously in December. So much has happened since then! The boys have celebrated their 5th and 3rd birthdays, we spent Spring Break in Florida where we saw Bama (my Grandma), Nana and Papa (my parents), Aunt Patty, and Uncle Corey. The boys loved spending time swimming in the pool, going to the beach, visiting family, the Naples Zoo, and the Easter egg hunt at Nana's church. We scared a few poeple out of their seats on the plane. It was funny that they moved the second the saw the boys and then the plane was in the air and the boys did fantastic! Recently, Connor has started to read to us which is very fun! He loves words, talking, writing, and reading! Owen has learned to ride his "big boy bike" with training wheels but he likes Connor's bike better. We are looking forward to a lazy summer at home at the pool, in the yard, and at the lake!