
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer Dreams

We have been dreaming of spending lazy summers by the lake ever since moving to Spokane. The idea of our kids growing up around water and having family memories at a special place mean a lot to us. After scouring for places we could afford and would fit our busy family we decided to purchase property on Deer Lake. It is a little less than 30 minutes away and we hope to build in the near future. This was our favorite lake due to it's proximity, size, and close to nature feeling. This summer, we plan to camp on our property and spend weekends swimming in the lake. I can just picture it now...only 13 more days of teaching to go...

Where has the time gone?

I can not believe that my last post was seriously in December. So much has happened since then! The boys have celebrated their 5th and 3rd birthdays, we spent Spring Break in Florida where we saw Bama (my Grandma), Nana and Papa (my parents), Aunt Patty, and Uncle Corey. The boys loved spending time swimming in the pool, going to the beach, visiting family, the Naples Zoo, and the Easter egg hunt at Nana's church. We scared a few poeple out of their seats on the plane. It was funny that they moved the second the saw the boys and then the plane was in the air and the boys did fantastic! Recently, Connor has started to read to us which is very fun! He loves words, talking, writing, and reading! Owen has learned to ride his "big boy bike" with training wheels but he likes Connor's bike better. We are looking forward to a lazy summer at home at the pool, in the yard, and at the lake!