
Monday, July 20, 2009

Birthday Surprise!

33 years ago this Wednesday I was born on my mom's birthday. Every birthday since, except one, we have spent together - just the 2 of us. We shop, have lunch, get pedicures...whatever we feel like doing that day. Then my Dad takes us to dinner. This year, it just wasn't going to happen and my mom and I were both pretty emotional about it. A couple weeks ago, my Dad called and asked if he could surprise my mom by bringing her here for our birthdays after a quick trip for the two of them to Vegas. I was so thrilled and instantly teared up! Tomorrow, they arrive and Wednesday will be our day. My Dad will watch the boys (Good luck, Dad!) and we will enjoy our day together! I am so lucky to have such an amazing mom and to be able to celebrate the gift of life with her!